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Silo mentality kills trust,  cuts off communication, weakens performance 



Withholding information from others can happen for countless reasons: control, influence, authority, disorganization,  culture barriers, inertia or just no desire to share information. 


Prejudgment about other people, preconceptions about other divisions' competency, physical barriers, geographical distance, old bad blood, pride, ego, lack of confidence.


To get people naturally sharing information, you have to establish a healthy and open mood in the organization, letting information circulate freely. 

Take down the walls, make the gap smaller between individuals and divisions by letting them feel part of the same family.


Connected People leads to Free-Flow of Information.


We take away the traditional tool people use to share information: the verbal exchange. We don't talk anymore!

This is the best way to overturn bad social habits and put everybody in the same position: compelled to reinvent  communication.


How? Using gestures, visual cues, natural body language marks and introducing some basic sign language.


Our facilitators encourage proximity, eye contact, spontaneity, bonding, connection to build understanding between people.


When an issue comes up, teams look to each other for help, suggestions, brainstorming to find a collaborative way to go forward.


Fun is a key ingredient of our methodology: people drop their barriers, feel more authentic and laugh easily with each other. 


Our cross departmental, silo-breaking, nonverbal practice helps shifting mindsets and old anchored behaviors and opens up to a new way to recreate healthy relationships between the divisions of an organization.


You'll build bridges between individuals and get them to see others beyond their business functions within the company and achieve better mutual trust and therefore collaboration.

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