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Men vs Women: how their Body Language differ

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

In the business world unluckily things still play out differently for men and women.

Just let take a very simple situation: looking people straight in the eyes, the voice is strong, the body leans slightly forward. What is the person conveying as a message? Well, it depends if this person is a woman or a man.

Research shows that if this person is a man, he’s sending this message : I am a leader.

But if this person is a woman, she’ll convey a different message, such as: I am agressive.

So in one case the body language gets across trust, in the other one hostility.

This outcome came out from a case study conducted by Columbia business school professor Frank Flynn: he submitted two different persons, Howard and Heidi, to two separated groups.

Howard, the guy, came out as a charismatic, smart and likable leader while Heidi, the girl, was considered just agressive and hostile.

This being said, women have also to deal with other preconceptions like being perceived as weaker because of their body language such as: smiling too much, not taking enough space, crossing their legs while standing, showing submissive physical gestures like hunching down and making themselves smaller.

So women seem to be penalized as well by their consensual and polite behavior.

How to find the right balance to be perceived as a serious and trustworthy person while not showing any hostility or aggressive attitude?

Well, navigate this tricky path could feel like a conundrum but here we have some tips to turn the feminine Body Language style into an advantage.

Our first tip: a woman don’t need to be heavy-handed with her Body Language to show authority and can totally turn over the situation and make the most of her very unique body communication skills.

Your smile

Smiling can be double-edged: on one side it creates empathy but on the other side it gives your power away.

Our tip: your smile is valuable and can make great things if used in the correct way. Don’t smile the whole time neither too quickly, but let your partner wait for it. Your smile must seen as a reward.

Eye contact

A straight and steady gaze can convey trust and confidence but according to the person you are speaking to, it could let people feel uncomfortable.

Our tip: manage your gaze in a balanced and natural way.

Look your partner in the eyes and then look away, very spontaneously. You’ll get across trust and your empathic demeanor will strike a bargain.


Are you aware that your feet can impact your level of perceived confidence?

Tapping your toes or bouncing your knees around is a nervous habit which is read as a sign of boredom or lack of engagement.

Our tip: keep your feet planted and still. Having your feet hip-width apart will help your balance and will send a strong self-confidence signal.

Monitor as well the direction where your feet are pointing to: if your feet are pointing to the door, this is probably the direction you want to head to but you feel stuck in the conversation.

If you want to transmit interest and trust in your partners, face your feet squarely toward them.

Dear gal friends, practice to leverage your Body Language potential and you will achieve more than every guy could do.

Let us know if these tips helped you to get better results in your work and business relationships.


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