"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart."
I am deeply convinced that this truth applies to Sign Language too.
Sign Language relies on GESTURES, BODY MOTION, MIME SKILLS and FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, all NATURAL and INSTINCTIVE communication tools belonging to everybody, no matter the culture, the background or the native spoken language.
Signing (which technically means using Sign Language), involves SPONTANEITY, this being especially true for a non-skilled signer.
If you want to be understood without using your voice, you have to dig deeper inside yourself to find the right way to get across your message. You can’t hide behind words, long sentences neither beating around the bush: you must reveal yourself in the most natural possible way.
Speaking with your hands involves your EMOTIONS and through this emotional path your message will go to your partner’s heart instead of ears.